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NEW ORLEANS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nurses regularly exposed to poor air quality by simply doing their job now have a reason to breathe easy. Aerobiotix has developed two new technologies to disinfect operating room (OR) air which often includes surgical smoke plume, volatile organic compounds, bacteria and viruses. Aerobiotix is showcasing the Illuvia Sense with real-time data capturing features by deploying more than 20 units to help disinfect the air at the 2022 AORN Global Surgical Conference and Expo. Additionally, nurses can learn more about the AeroCure Vac which is an innovative device protecting patients and hospital staff from airborne dangers arising from aerosol generating procedures.

The environmental risks from contaminated OR air are well documented. Perioperative nurses report twice the incidence of respiratory problems compared to the general population. Surgical smoke plume, bone cement, skin prep solutions, and anesthetic gases can carry volatile organic compounds and other hazardous compounds known to cause cancer if inhaled. Illuvia Sense is the first and only directional flow surgical air disinfection system that improves overall environmental safety in the OR and reduces the risk of surgical site infections.

“We know the risks associated with contaminated OR air for healthcare workers and patients,” said Dr. David Kirschman, Aerobiotix President and CEO. “The most common cause of occupational injury for registered nurses comes from exposure to airborne contaminants, and airborne bacteria is a leading cause of surgical site infections. Our proven technologies reduce those risks and nurses at AORN will get to see it firsthand.”

Eliminating the “Dirty Donut”

Dr. Kirschman is a former neurosurgeon who developed the Illuvia Sense and AeroCure Vac technologies following his own experiences in the OR. Standard operating room ventilation delivers clean air directly over the surgical site. However, these systems leave a ring of contaminated air around the clean air of the surgical table, called the “dirty donut,” which may continue to pose a danger to the patient and staff.

“Any movement in the OR can disrupt contaminants in the dirty donut and scatter them into the surgical site,” explained Dr. Courtney Adams, Aerobiotix VP of Clinical and Medical Affairs. “Anything and anyone passing through the dirty donut can potentially re-expose the surgical site to contaminated air. This includes surgical staff, drapes, instruments, implants, gloves, and other surgical equipment.”

Illuvia Sense

Illuvia Sense helps eliminate the dirty donut using proven ultraviolet germicidal technology, HEPA filtration, and carbon-copper filters to inactivate over 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and spores in the air— including SARS-Cov-2. The unit operates quietly and independently without disrupting OR work flows. The FDA registered medical air disinfection device is proven to eliminate microbes throughout the OR and not just the surgical site.

Illuvia Sense is trusted by healthcare facilities around the country and has already protected more than one million major surgical procedures. The Illuvia system has been shown to reduce airborne contamination during surgery by 50-70% in peer reviewed, published and independent studies. The latest generation of the Illuvia system further advances this technology by utilizing an advanced suite of sensors to provide critical real-time intraoperative environmental data to surgical stakeholders.

AeroCure Vac

The AeroCure Vac uses a semi-rigid vacuum tube which is placed near the patient during Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs). AGPs include Endotracheal intubation and extubation, oral and pharyngeal procedures, bronchoscopy, pulmonary function testing, and respiratory treatments and suctioning. Data shows healthcare workers who regularly perform AGPs have three times the risk of clinically significant respiratory infections. The AeroCure Vac has also been shown to reduce total particles generated during electrocautery by 97% at periphery of room, reduce the concentration of bioaerosols at distances of 4-6 inches, and reduce VOC levels (ppm) generated during the mixing of bone cement at distances of 3-14 inches away from the source, with a 97% reduction observed at 3 inches.

AeroCure Vac evacuates contaminated air from near the source. The unique combination of technologies not only pulls particles away from patients and medical staff, but goes a step further in mitigating the risk by subjecting those particles to UV light. The treated air is then returned to the room at floor level. By collecting and eliminating bacteria and viruses carried via aerosols, the AeroCure Vac creates a better protected environment for patients and staff. Nurses at AORN can watch this groundbreaking technology first hand at booth #7349.

AORN Clean Air Sponsor

As the Clean Air Sponsor of AORN Expo 2022, Aerobiotix has placed Illuvia Sense units throughout meeting rooms to provide enhanced safety for attendees. When you see an Illuvia Sense, you can be assured that it is continuously decontaminating the air you are breathing, while capturing vital air quality data.

A live interactive monitor will capture and display data from our units throughout the exhibit hall, and reveal the Expo Hall air quality in real time. Each Illuvia Sense unit is also marked with a QR code which attendees can scan, directing them to a complimentary air quality assessment they can conduct at their healthcare facility.

“When deployed in an OR setting, the real-time data monitoring allows hospitals to receive actionable reports on perioperative environmental quality and take a proactive approach to driving improvements,” said Melissa Gietzen, Aerobiotix VP of Global Marketing. “We want to partner with hospital systems around the world to elevate their environment and take the conversation beyond smoke.”


Aerobiotix will deploy the Illuvia Sense units throughout the Expo Hall for all five days of AORN 2022. In addition, attendees and media can learn more about the dangers of contaminated OR air and solutions at specific events within the conference listed below.

Monday, 3/21/22 – Tuesday, 3/22/22 by appointment at booth #7349
Media availability with Aerobiotix CEO Dr. David Kirschman and VP Clinical and Medical Affairs Dr. Courtney Adams.
Monday, 3/21/22, 11:30am-12:00pm, Innovation Theater at booth #7953
David Kirschman, MD, founder and CEO of Aerobiotix and inventor of the Illuvia system, will be co-presenting with Amber Woods, Sr. Perioperative Practice Specialist, on “OR Air Quality Management and Data Analysis.”
Monday, 3/21/22, 10:15am, 11:00am, 1:15pm, 2:00pm, 2:45pm, at booth #7349
Continuing education course: “Infection Prevention – The New Frontier: Measuring the Impact of Air Quality in the Operating Room on Patients and Staff” with Judy Pins, MHRD, MBA, BSN, RN
Tuesday, 3/22/22, 12:00pm-12:30pm, Innovation Theater at booth #7953
David Kirschman, MD, founder and CEO of Aerobiotix and inventor of the Illuvia system, will be co-presenting with Amber Woods, Sr. Perioperative Practice Specialist, on “OR Air Quality Management and Data Analysis.”
Tuesday, 3/22/22, 9:00am, 9:45am, 10:30am, 11:15am, at booth #7349
Continuing education course: “Infection Prevention – The New Frontier: Measuring the Impact of Air Quality in the Operating Room on Patients and Staff” with Judy Pins, MHRD, MBA, BSN, RN

About Aerobiotix

Aerobiotix is a pioneer in air quality management solutions for healthcare, assisted living, and schools. Its medical-grade products use ultraviolet light, HEPA filters, and proprietary filtration to remove 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, VOCs, and more. This proven technology is quiet, safe, and designed to run continuously in occupied rooms to reduce risk of infections and to improve environmental safety. Equipped with integrated tracking, Aerobiotix solutions help facilities worldwide measure and proactively manage air quality. Learn more at

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